Cherwell District Council have sent the proposed draft Local Plan back for amendment.
Officers instructed "More should be done to maintain the Green Ring around Kidlington"

The Council’s Executive reviewed the proposed draft in the light of critical comments from Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Executive also felt that they had been given insufficient time to properly consider the papers. This means that the public consultation is deferred until a later date. Officers will be undertaking further work to consider the comments made. The timetable for revising the draft has yet to be announced.
We welcome this further step, particularly as Officers have been told "More should be done to maintain the Green Ring around Kidlington".
KDW has written to the council asking officers to this reconsider the allocation of 350 homes on Green Belt on land North of the Moors (LPR8A) before the draft
goes for public consultation. We endorse CPRE Oxon's view that "Better use of land could save Green Belt at Kidlington" and that
a further Green Belt review is not acceptable.
Cherwell’s Planning Policy, Conservation and Design Manager replied “In terms of the proposed allocation within the Green Belt, this will of course be considered throughout the remainder of the plan making process, including the forthcoming consultation on the draft plan, where any responses will be considered in detail. Ultimately though, it will be a matter for the elected District Councillors to decide if they are content with the emerging proposals”.
The Overview Committee extraordinary meeting on 11 January made the following comments:
- The balance of affordable housing included in the plan is not ambitious enough or adequate.
- Clarity and assurance there is no change from the partial review of the Local Plan regarding Frieze Farm in Kidlington and its provision as an alternative Golf Course location.
- It is important that all infrastructure keeps pace with development as well as ensuring satisfactory integration between new developments and established communities.
- The importance of farming in the district has been recognised in the draft, but it should be given more prominence.
- Noting the reference to Bicester Strategic Corridors, consideration should be given to creating a formal Green Belt around Bicester.
- More should be done to maintain the Green Ring around Kidlington.
- Rural allocation of housing should be equitable.
- Executive to assure itself that the wording of policies included in the plan is strong enough, particularly those in relation to Climate Action and viability.
- That Members be given more opportunities to engage, provide feedback and comments during the Regulation 18 consultation.
The papers and webcasts of both meetings can be accessed online: