Cherwell District Council is consulting on its final draft of a Local Plan covering the period to 2042. It will then be submitted to the Government for examination by an independent planning inspector.
KDW is pleased that the plan does not propose any further building on the Green Belt and that the Land Behind the Moors is not included as a housing site. There is enough development planned for this area already, and we have yet to experience the impact as very little has been started to date.
The consultation runs until Tuesday, February 25th. As in the previous consultations, KDW will be supporting the Parish Council’s proposal for a ‘Green Ring’ around the village and will ask for three Local Green Spaces (a formal planning designation) to be created around the village. Read More Here
More information about the consultation is on Cherwell Council’s website at:
The Council is also putting on a Public Exhibition about the plan in Exeter Hall on Monday 20th January from 15:00 to 19:00.
We will be contacting our supporters by the end of January with details of how to respond to Cherwell’s latest consultation and support our proposals.
Map of Green Ring and LGS proposals